Deniz Sözen
Deniz Sözen
Deniz Sözen
From Alien Galaxies to the Dervishes Skies:
Encounters of a different kind
(English Title)
Vom Himmel der Aliens zum Himmel der Derwische: Begegnungen der anderen Art
(German Title)
Uzaylılarin Semasından dervişlerin Semasına: Başka türlü bir karşılaşma
(Turkish Title)
Mysticism - Longing for the Absolute
Museum Rietberg Zurich, 2011 and published on YouTube
Skype Exchange Konya-Zurich, 2011
One of the mystics showcased in the exhibition was the Sufi poet Hz. Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi, whose tomb is in the city of Konya in Turkey. Mevlana’s tomb and the Mevlana Museum built in his honor are significant sites for his worshippers and tourists from all over the world. The project aimed to enable young people who are geographically separated but digitally connected, to use digital media to widen each other’s horizons, and explore differences and similarities in their approaches to mysticism and thereby foster greater understanding amongst each other.
A total of 34 videos were uploaded on YouTube and also integrated into the Mysticism exhibition. All videos were subtitled in German and Turkish.
Video-trailer commissioned by: Museum Rietberg, 2011
In Autum 2011, the Museum Rietberg, Zurich in Switzerland held an exhibition titled Mysticism – Yearning for the Absolute, which showcased forty important mystics from the 6th century BC to the 19th century, from different religions in the world – Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
Deniz Soezen conceived and led a transcultural art education project that aimed to initiate a virtual dialogue between young people in Konya, Turkey and Zurich, Switzerland.