Deniz Sözen
Deniz Sözen
Deniz Sözen
Deniz Sözen

Photo Credit: Tom Sky
Reflective vinyl on aluminum
137.2cm x 63cm
Graphic Design: Erik Charlot
Site-specific intervention at Jaywalk, an exhibition by MAK Center for Artists and Architects-in-Residence , Mackey Apartments and Garage Top, Los Angeles, 2015
Trans Angeles, solo exhibition,
Start gallery MUSA 2015
Currently part of:
The Collection of contemporary art of the City of Vienna

Photo Credit: Tom Sky
Behind The Scenes Documentation
Deniz Soezen installed a street sign opposite the Mackey Apartments (Artist Residency), designating the zone as “Little Austria”.
The building was built by the Austrian architect R.M. Schindler, 1939. It was purchased by the Republic of Austria in 1995 and made available for the activities of the MAK Center, Los Angeles.
The work is a humorous reflection upon the “Austrian-ness” of the MAK Center, which calls itself “the California satellite of the MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemporary Art in Vienna”