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Deniz Sözen


Post-colonial Skype Performance


EXHIBITED: PANik 8: Performance as Post-Colonial Strategy! 

Curated by Irene Lucas and Ruby Sircar, VbKOE, Vienna 2012


Re- enactment Heidi goes live performed live in the framework of the Marianne.von.Willemer prize for Digital Media, Ars Electronica Center, Linz, 2014


This performance using digital technology and internet (skype) is exploring various aspects of Swiss involvement in colonial history and the current discourse about cultural difference in Switzerland. The artist impersonates various figures of Swiss popular culture and colonial history by wearing masks: Heidi, the folk singer Mani Matter, the comedian Victor Giaccobo, African sculptures of public collections in Zurich and Basel and last but not least Alpine carnival masks.


Video-interviews with indigenous Swiss, links to youtube clips and the sharing of image and audio material are integral parts of the performance. 

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